Are you sharing the Gospel?
The word of God tells us to go out into all the World and preach the Gospel.
And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation. Mark 16:15
As believers, this is one of our highest calls. It’s a call from the Lord himself and for most of us, it is the reason that we can call ourselves believers today. Someone in our past answered the call to spread the Gospel and because of that, we have accepted salvation. The call to spread the Gospel was not only for the disciples that were present with God at that moment. No, Jesus spoke that over them, as well as over the future generations of believers. That proclamation was spoken over me and you. He said those words with our faces and lives in mind. Because of that, the Gospel has been spread down throughout the ages; liberating societies, countries, and people all over the World. That Gospel is what brings hope, peace, and freedom to the lost. It is a light that casts out darkness and invades the heart and mind of humanity. That same Gospel has also stirred up strife and division among people groups and ethnicities; simply because its truth, is a threat to what is false. This Gospel is powerful and should be yielded to change the World. Why then, do most of us who call ourselves believers, not spread the Gospel?
I have asked myself this question many times in the last few weeks. I even think of my own life. I am a believer, so why am I not spreading the Gospel? This is an issue. For those of us who know that we have been saved by Jesus, and are tasked to spread that good news; why don’t we? Why do we keep our mouths close when it comes to the transformative power of Jesus Christ? Tell me why we are gripped with fear when we think about telling someone that they are loved by God and that He died for their freedom? Why is it easier for me to share a motivational quote with someone, then it is to tell someone about Jesus’ sacrifice for them? It’s astounding and disappointing. The Word of God says, “the Truth shall set you free”. The Gospel is the Truth; Jesus is the Truth. So, it would stand to recon, that the Gospel will set people free.
We have a World that is bound and seeking freedom. With that knowledge, you would think that we who carry the truth, would want to share the Gospel so that the World can be set free from what is false. So why aren’t enough people sharing the Gospel? Are we afraid? Are we unaware of our mandate? Do we not care? Or do we just not believe?
"Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" John 8:32
By the way, just a side note here. Some of you are probably saying “I do share my faith”, and you might, so this post may not be for you. But, before you go, when I say sharing the Gospel, I don’t mean at church with your friends who already believe in Jesus. I am not saying sharing your faith with those who share the same faith as you. I am talking about sharing the Gospel with those who are lost. Do you share the gospel with your coworkers who don’t know Jesus or share with the man on the street who is just trying to survive? Do you share the Gospel with your family members? What about the people who follow you on social media? Do they know that Jesus died for them and loves them? The answer to this may be yes and it may be no. Either way, a lot of us are probably making excuses right now about why those around us have not heard the Gospel from us.
Though our excuses may seem valid, in all honesty, us not sharing can be a reflection of our lack of faith. If we truly believed what the Gospel was and meant, wouldn’t we share it? Wouldn’t it be hard to shut us up? The Gospel message is of hope and I don’t think there is anything the World needs more than hope. So, the question remains, why don’t we share the Gospel?
Some of us don’t share the Gospel because we do not want to offend anyone or make anyone feel bad. Which is funny, because the Gospel is a love letter. Love letters are typically written and sent, to soothe the soul, not irritate it. Yet we still do not share it. I believe our own personal ambitions play a role in it as well. Let’s be honest, a lot of us are afraid of what people will think of us. The Gospel is not usually the popular topic or opinion. It can put a wet blanket on the sinning party real quick. Am I right? It also humbles us, which not many people want these days. They’d rather have control of their own lives and be the G.O.A.T, then realize that God is greater than them and has a better plan for their lives then they do. It also probably doesn’t sit well to know that we can’t do everything that our flesh wants us to do. That typically offends people. That fear of offense can cause some of us not to spread the Gospel. We don’t want to share this love letter, because we are scared of what people’s view of us will be?
We don’t want people to feel wrong about what they do, so we don’t share what can free them? Let’s be honest, we just don’t want to call out sin for what it is. So instead we sit silent and watch as the World drowns in their own sickness while searching for a cure. We watch from our safe place on the rock of our salvation, while people are lost and on their way to hell; just so we can feel comfortable and not offend someone.
For “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? Romans 10:13-14
But we must realize that the Gospel is a love letter that shines a light on darkness. It doesn’t come to sprinkle shame on people. No! It comes to convict and heal people. Wake up and look out your window and see the chaos. Smell the fear and feel the discourse of society. Don’t you hear the cry of the people seeking to find meaning in life? Don’t you see the people clawing at any identify that society, culture, or darkness can give them? Don’t you see the blind eyes and the hard hearts? Don’t you see it? I have been asking myself these questions lately. Why am I watching the world burn when I have the cure? I have the cure to the sickness in the World. I have the answers to the unsolved questions deep in the heart of humanity. I have the Love that all mankind is searching for. It’s all located between the folds of a leather-bound book that was declared Holy. It’s located in the sacrifice hanging on the nails of a wooden cross. I have Jesus. I have the Holy Spirit. I know God and I have his Holy Word. Why keep it to myself? It’s too good to be hidden. It’s too powerful not to be shared. For me not to share the Gospel is selfish.
Luke 12:8-9 “I tell you, whoever publicly acknowledges me before others, the Son of Man will also acknowledge before the angels of God. But whoever disowns me before others will be disowned before the angels of God.
What you have to lose for sharing the Gospel, is far less then what they will lose if they do not know the Gospel. God will do the transforming; all you have to do is share. “Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel”. I do not want to get to Heaven and have someone ask me why I didn’t tell them about Jesus. I don’t want to see the look of anguish and betrayal on someone’s face, that I know, who was told at the pearly gates that their name was not in the Book of life, because I didn’t tell them. If I told you the Gospel and you made a decision not to believe, that is on you. But if I go on to my reward to be with Jesus and didn’t offer that information to you, that is an injustice on my part.
“For when I preach the gospel, I cannot boast, since I am compelled to preach. Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel.” 1 Cor 9:16
We must be brave and courageous. We must open our mouths because the World needs to hear the Gospel. The World needs to know the love of God and the sacrifice made by Jesus for them. The World needs to know that they do not have to go through this life alone because God sent them a helper in The Holy Spirit. The World needs to know. Yes, some people will reject you. They rejected Jesus; you thought you were any different? There is, however, something way more important than your feeling of rejection and that is the salvation of the World and the people in it. People need Jesus, so share Him with them.
So, I ask you on the behalf of a dying World:
Will you please share the Gospel?
Dear Heavenly Father,
I pray that you would fill your people with strength. Lord remind us of the mandate that you have given us in your word, to "Go out into all the World and preach the Gospel". Lord help us to be encouraged to show and tell people the love that you have for them. Lord give us the courage to proclaim your Gospel with boldness. Lord give us the words to say and help us to speak them in love. Be with us as we go forward with your word. We thank you and love you.
In the name of Jesus, we pray,
- Moriah