What would happen if you really knew who you were?
Have you ever felt that there were parts of you, that you have yet to discover? Superpowers that you did not know you had? Talents and gifts that have not surfaced.
Have you ever thought that you have something to offer this world? That you have more in you, then you thought you had?
I believe that sometimes we walk around this planet not knowing who we are or what is in us. We walk around with our heads down and our belief in ourselves even lower. We look at other people and wish we could make that kind of an impact. We look at celebrities and wish that we had the talents that they have. We look at the men and woman around us and wonder how they are able to influence others.
We think about what others have in them, not realizing that we have something great in us too.
The worst thing is, we don’t even want to lift a finger to discover the real us. We are afraid of what will happen if we truly discover who we are and what we are made of. What if I fail? What if I succeed? What if people do not like the real me, that I have discovered?
All of the above scenarios are distractions. They keep us tied down to who the world defines us as. They keep us stagnant.
We believe the lies that say we are nothing, or that we can’t do it.
We believe what the trials in our lives say about us.
We become what the person who hurt us wants us to be.
We trust the lie of our circumstances.
We sit and we die in regret, shame and guilt.
We walk around not knowing what is in us.
What would happen if you tripped up on the real you? If you realized who you really are?
You need to discover what you are equipped with.
You have greatness in you!
You are a warrior! No matter what life throws at you, you can overcome. That power of victory is in you.
You have the cure to cancer. You have the answer to someone’s problem. You have the joy that will awaken a generation of sorrows. You have the map to a city full of lost people. You have the wisdom and grace to merge people of different colors and economical backgrounds.
Do you know what is in you?!
What would happen if we truly discovered who we were? What would happen if we felt the fear and did it anyway?
What would the world look like if we knew what we had in us?
I would argue that the world would change; and for the better.
People would begin to love themselves and the God who created them.
Hate would not be so prevalent , because people, seeing the value in themselves, would appreciate the value in others.
Comparison would be almost none existent.
The world would love again.
That greatness has been placed in you, by your creator.
Do not believe the lie that you are inadequate.
Do not believe the lie that you have to be who they said you have to be.
You have the answer to one of the World's problems in you. That is a huge gift to carry.
I pray that you would discover who you are and what you carry in you.
I want to see change in this world and that will start when we know who we are.
Just a note to the women in the room:
Not only must we discover what is in us. We must encourage another woman to do the same. We are also tasks to encourage the men in our lives to do that as well; whether that is your dad, son, brother, boyfriend, friend or husband. We have spent to long tearing men down for the sins done to us by other men. If we want to see a change in this generation of men, we must help them discover the greatness in them. God entrusted us with that task, and men can not make it without that encouragement from us.
Prayer if you need it:
Dear Heavenly Father,
I pray that you would shows me the greatness you have put in me. Help me to believe that I have something to offer. I pray for courage to step into who you called me to be. Please be with me , as I journey to discover who you have created me to be.
In Jesus name I pray,
- Moriah