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My Body....Not Yours

Writer's picture: Moriah ScottMoriah Scott

Dear World,

My body is mine, not yours.

You have tried to convince me otherwise. You have whispered the sweet nothings of lies to me. You have told me that what I possess is yours and that my beauty lies in the displaying of my body for all men to see.

I am here to tell you that I have caught wind of your deception because someone came and told me the truth.

Do you want to know what that is?

Good, take a seat and listen carefully.

You see, I was created in an intimate and secret place; a place untouched and untainted by your approval, your eyes, and your humanity. It is a place that only my spirit and God knows. It is our place, a place where an infinite God built a temple for which He could dwell. A place where unconditional love threaded itself into the core of my being. In this womb, became studio, God created my unseen body through faith. He touched nothing and created the structure of my bones. He carefully wrapped me in the soft brown of my skin. He counted my hairs and intricately placed them on my head. He formed the curves of my checks and scooped out the dimples for my smile. The brown of my eyes shaped out the frame for the windows of my soul, and a sparkle was added for flare. The curves of my hips created their hiding place; waiting for the day that they would reveal the beauty hidden within a woman.

My hips, my thighs, and my breast were created by a Creator who knew me before I was formed in my mother’s womb. He crafted me with love and formed me with beauty. “You are Mine” were the whispers of the King, now tattooed on my very skin ( and my heart). This body was created with an allure that would be hidden until it would be called out for the man God created it for. This body is beautiful, simply because the Creator has called it so. It is sensual and alluring. My skin is soft to the touch and my breast is full of life. This body is mine to carry and God's to own. This body is a treasure, and there are secrets that it holds. These secrets are not for the world to have ownership of. No, these secrets are meant to be unearthed, by the one from whose rib I was created. The mystery of my body that is hidden is beautiful. And when it is time for it to be revealed, that will also be in the realm of beauty.

The plan for the revelation of my body has been written in the secret place and only the eyes of the Creator have seen it. There is a time frame for the unveiling of what Adam has called “Bone of my Bone and Flesh of my Flesh”. You see, the treasure that I spoke of above is hidden. It is a mystery that is hidden for the one who seeks it.

There is a map to the treasure that is my body. It is the Creator who possesses that map, and it is to His discretion who He will allow to possess that map. Many people will try to seek out this treasure and find the gold within, but only the one given the map can do so. The person who possesses the map must also be willing to take the journey that it takes to get to the hidden treasure. The journey is costly, and the treasure will cost the seeker something. That is just how valuable my body is. Once the seeker passes the test, then he will be given the key to open the treasure box, and permission to enjoy that treasure.

The journey to get to the treasure is rigorous, because of its value. It was never meant for everyone to behold. It is not a tool to be used or passed around. It’s not a relic to be put on display. No! It is an unmatched treasure , a gift.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news World, but you are not the one who possesses the map.

You tried to beguile me into believing that my desirability was in my ability to freely offer my treasure to every passerby.

You tried to convince me that I must walk around unwrapped to be called beautiful.

You lied when you said modesty can never be considered sexy.

You sent messengers to my door to convict me that the lack of sexualizing my body , was keeping me from the love story I desired.

No more!

My value is hidden for a reason. My treasure is not free for all men to see.

I will not show you, not one piece of this treasure that you did not earn.

Stop whispering in my ear, and in the ears of my sisters.

No More!

For, my body is mine, not yours.

Oh.... and just an FYI, my modesty is sexy and can't handle it.

The one you don't own,


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