What words do I have to describe a King?
Simple words do not fit,
I have not one thing that is great enough to say about this friend of mine.
I could say that he is the Alpha and Omega.
Therefore, He is my beginning and my end.
Did I mention He was a friend?
And not just in the platonic way of the human mind.
He is my knower, my strength, and my provider.
He is my searcher.
He looks into my very being and He loves my core.
He is my savior.
Oh, how lost of a sheep I was, my life so bleak.
Yet, He carries me.
My warrior King who fights for me, even in the battles I go and seek.
What words do I have for a King?
Simplicity is not the thing.
He is the core of my very being.
My Identity is non and void without him.
My World is shapeless without the sculptor.
Not only does he form with dirt,
But He gets in it and pulls out that which looks formless,
Then he breathes life into it.
He takes a piece of himself and buries it deep within that which He loves,
And creation will forever form His name on its lips.
He is a father to this sinner and a deliverer to my tormented soul.
He is my freedom.
And I revel in the hope that His eyes bestow on me.
What words can I utter about this King?
A King who made treacherous peasants into Royal Heirs
He is the smile that calms the storm in my heart.
I cannot fathom a life without this man.
My mirror when the World tells me I am not enough.
He is the image that speaks back His desire for me.
He is the Love that paid it all on Calvary.
He is the paintbrush of creation that says I am His in every stroke.
I am who He says I am.
And He says that I am the reflection of His beauty.
He is the crack in my mask, that reveals and embraces the hidden truth underneath.
He is grand.
Grandeur then even my mind can fathom.
Who is this mystery that calls out to me to seek him?
Who is this, that entices me into greater,
Who maketh me to lie down on green pastures?
What words can I use to describe the restorer of my soul?
He is the conviction when I go astray.
And the healer when my life is array.
What words can stand beside the Glory of a King?
I can find not one.
He is the combination of all that Is real and true.
He is the quencher to my deep inner need and thirst.
He is the Love that I never knew my heart ached for.
Let my life be the word search that finds the glory of the King.
Let it be the description of a faithful God.
And a painting that reveals his hidden mysteries.
What Words do I have to describe my King?
I have yet to discover that very thing.
But I will spend the rest of my life looking.
- Moriah